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Requests for Proposal and 
Procurement Notifications

The information on this page will change frequently as new procurement opportunities and notifications are announced.

Requests for Proposal

The information below will provide a brief description of each RFP available.  To view more detailed information on the procurement opportunity and the process to submit an RFP, select the link in the "title" column to visit the opportunity's webpage.


Clean Water Procurement Program​
The PENNVEST Clean Water Procurement Program''s objective is to improve water quality in the Commonwealth through the purchase of verified nutrient (nitrogen/phosphorus) or sediment reduction resulting
from the installation of practices or combinations of practices determined to be effective and practical to manage nutrient and sediment to protect surface water and groundwater ("Best
Management Practices"), as further defined under Act 54, with the goal of helping the Commonwealth to achieve the most current total maximum daily load limits for nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment as established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency
(the "Chesapeake Bay TMDL"), as further defined under Act 54.​
April 17, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.

Pro​curement Notifications

Pursuant to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Procurement Code, 62 Pa.C.S. §§ 101-4604, PENNVEST intends to award a sole-source extension of the existing contract between PENNVEST and HGS LLC to increase the quantity of verified nitrogen reductions and associated phosphorus and sediment reductions. PENNVEST has determined, pursuant to 62 Pa.C.S. § 515, that HGS is the sole contractor capable of providing these services, that competitively procuring the extension is not feasible, and that the extension is in the best interests of PENNVEST and the Commonwealth.

More information regarding this proposed procurement can be found by viewing the Source Justification Form.

THIS NOTICE OF INTENT IS NOT A SOLICITATION FOR COMPETITVE PROPOSALS OR BIDS. Any party that wishes to submit commentary on this Notice of Intent may submit such comments via email to Dave Henning at

Date Posted:  June 17, 2024